At this point you probably want to know what the cost of my copy editing and proofreading love is.
Well – to start with – the cost may be negotiable (note I say “may”), depending on the size of the job. The bigger the job, the lower the cost per hour (though not too low as I’m quite sure if I charged you peanuts, you’d question the quality of both my work and my mind).
So without setting anything in stone, you’re looking at around R450/£40 an hour for academic work and R550/£55 an hour for corporate. This will ensure you a concise and readable document to offer the world!
Oh, and if you’re in a major rush because you ‘forgot’ about your imminent deadline, I’ll be charging you a little more (ensuring that you never forget another deadline again … just another in a list of excellent services I offer)!
I write this testimonial nervously, because I’m sure by now Ms. Wyatt will already have picked out copious gaps in my use of words, how they fit with one another, and how they’re adorned. I love to write. I love getting my thoughts marching across a page. Without Tanya this would remain a pipe dream. She is my connection to the world out there; she makes sure that what I want to say, is what I say. Her eye for detail is profound (scary actually) and her grammar angst has her waking at night while I’m dreaming sweetly. So I’m very happy to recommend her services to anyone who has to put thought to paper. Tanya is a key step in making sure it’s the best thing you can write. Gary Koekemoer: facilitator, trainer, mediator, education designer & developer.