How can I help you get your message across?
Look, I know you probably think the world won’t end without good grammar, punctuation and spelling but I happen to know of cases in which people have died because of careless language errors. Ever heard the ‘Let’s eat Grandma’ legend? Poor old lady. All she needed was a comma in the right place and she’d still be alive today! So what exactly are these life-saving services? Well, I offer both line and structural copy editing, as well as proofreading to those who need it (and frequently even to those who think they don’t). All these services will help clarify and improve your message.
Line editing
Finding errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style.
This refers to things like:
- putting book titles in italics instead of inverted commas;
- using a consistent spelling for words that can be spelled, or spelt, in different ways;
- keeping a consistent tone;
- getting rid of unnecessary bias, and more.
It’s also about making sure that your copy is understood well by the reader (ugh – no jargon please; or using seven words when you can use three; or not being clear about what you mean; or using words long forgotten, even if Shakespeare thought they were cool). See a sample here.
Doing a final check on documents before they go out to the (discerning) public. In my industry, it’s considered appallingly bad manners to proofread your own editing work. I have a few proofreaders on my team – each has skills in different editing programmes (one is nick-named ‘Eagle-Eye’; the other ‘Persnickety‘, for very good reason). See a sample here.
Structural editing
Putting some marketing material out to the world? Submitting a dissertreathis? (It’s too hard for my little brain to remember if it’s a dissertation, treatise or thesis.) Making a good case for your ‘product’ is imperative – after all, you’re competing with a gazillion others out there, all vying for their piece of the pie. How you package your ideas can make the difference between success and failure. Let The Write Stuff help you help your target market understand precisely what it is you mean to say when you say what you say! We’ll ensure that your end-product flows well, and that your message or argument is crystal clear. See a sample here.
Please don’t commit hurry-curry (erm, in case you’re wondering, I do know it’s spelt/spelled harikari)
I promise to always be gentle and respectful when making suggestions for fundamental changes. I’m trained in trauma counselling and have Lifeline on speed-dial, should it come to that.
(Notice how – without blushing – I split the infinitive ‘to be’ in the line above! Just goes to show I know my stuff. Infinitives have been given permission to split away these days. Another example of a new season at the Paris Language Fashion Week.)